Sunday, November 16, 2008


I fear to Sleep...
Sleep provides rest,but sleep forces me to whatever i fear to

In Dreams i can revive the past, meet whomever i want to...
The time so long ago,
The time where we sat together in that class in that camp years ago,
The time where we sat there, so near yet so far,
The time we marched together, opposing platoons but same in mind,
The time i wrote the 5 page note, and the time you called,
The time i made that call, and the time we talked...

Nothing is possible in reality because all has passed,
but nothing is impossible because its a dream...
Reality controls me,even in sleep my dream controls me...
Dream gives me fear again,but i can't wake up,
because its a dream, the only place i see u again...

Good morning reality,when must i sleep again?
When the urge to see u arises again...

+The JW Fantasy 2006+


xiao E said...

i m here...

give u a present~~



a watermelon pillow~~

sleep tight~~

三号棋手(PaPa) said...

OMG >.<
Thx daughter ^^
can sleep 2nite le wakaka